Primal carnage xbox one controller support
Primal carnage xbox one controller support

primal carnage xbox one controller support

TLDR: Microsoft and Sony saw a benefit in selling their controllers to all of their customers. Some companies do have wireless versions, but I would stay away from them because what they have to do would create a lot of input lag so if it's not a wireless controller from Microsoft or Sony I would go with a wired controller from a reputable company such as Razer, Logitech, etc. So now you can play on your favorite console or PC with your favorite controller. What third parties are doing now is releasing Xbox one & PS5 styled controllers. And if Razer doesn't have Bluetooth connectivity I doubt any other company does. I have never seen a third-party controller with Bluetooth, they're always wired, even Razors Wolverine ultimate $160 (last I checked) is wired. I THINK the only thing that is kept top secret is Bluetooth. Sony and Microsoft finally showed true intelligence & foreward thinking with realizing people were making a decision on what console they were going to buy based solely on their ptefered controller. This is "typical" people responding with what they think they know and, doing "ZERO" actual research.

Primal carnage xbox one controller support